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SWCD History

The Decatur County SWCD was declared a district on January 2, 1964 at the request of county citizens who were interested in soil and waterconservation, flood prevention and land use planning. The SWCD is a legalsubdivision of state government, responsible for providing leadership forall conservation development of soil, water, and related natural resourcesfor all of Decatur County. A district constitutes a governmentalsubdivision of the state and a public body corporate and politicexercising public powers (IC 14-32-5).

A board of five supervisors, who are acquainted with the resource needs and problems of the county, manage the SWCD. Landowners of the county elect three of the supervisors and the State Soil Conservation Board appoints two. The SWCD does not have the power to tax or bond, does not have the power of eminent domain, and does not haveregulatory power. It cannot replace or duplicate functions of the otherlocal government units. Financing SWCD operations is accomplishedthrough a combination of appropriations from state and localgovernment units, money earned by SWCD activities, and contributionsfrom private sources.